
Micaela C

Hello and Welcome! I’m Micaela Carboni from Argentina. As a professional and Top Rated translator, I have been constantly developing my Spanish, Italian, English & French skills, based in my 10 years of learning experience acquired at University, with a degree in Scientific and Literary English & Spanish Translator; an A in DELF A1 and DELF A2 French Examination and PLIDA C1 in DANTE ALIGHIERI college of ITALIAN Language. I went to a SP/IT bilingual school where I learnt my bilingual Italian and my mother tongue is Spanish. I have PASSION, PERSISTENCE, PATIENCE and EFFECTIVENESS while working, that is the key why many companies like: Ebay, iHerb, Conectys, Babbletype & Independent contractors keep on choosing me every day. I am going through my 5th year as a Upwork Top Rated Freelancer on an ongoing development and learning. Every new job is an OPPORTUNITY. Do not hesitate to contact me