Zafar Abbas

If you are looking for a detail-oriented QA person, then I’m the right fit for you. My name is Zafar Abbas, and I’m an ISTQB Certified Tester with 6 years of experience.

As someone who firmly believes in ”client success is my success,” I have a passion for achieving project quality and meeting complex deadlines. I always strive to deliver good feedback on my projects, and in recognition of my hard work and dedication, I even received the Best All Rounder Award.

My QA process includes use case writing, wireframes using Balsamiq, test plan preparation, scenario identification, test case writing and execution, bug logging, retesting, regression testing, and risk analysis. Additionally, I’m an expert in exploratory testing, and I’ve worked across a variety of domains, including education, banking, finance, automobile, e-billing, project management software, vacation rental systems, SugarCRM applications, WordPress websites, e-commerce, ERP, CMS, and more.

I’m experienced in various types of testing, including smoke, sanity, functional, regression, UI/UX, cross-browser, cross-platform, security, performance, and comparison testing. I’m skilled in using test case management tools like QMETRY, TestRail, and TestLink, as well as bug reporting tools like JIRA, Redmine, Trello, Bug Genie, Assembla, Sprintly, Mingle, and Asana. Additionally, I use snapshot tools like Snagit, Awesome Screenshot, LightShot, Paint, and Jing. I’m also proficient in automation tools like Selenium IDE, Selenium Webdriver, TestNG, JUnit, and Maven, as well as performance tools like LoadRunner.

To communicate with my clients, I use various tools such as Skype, Slack, emails, Google Talk, and HipChat. I’m a reliable, honest, and hardworking individual who is available full-time to work on your project. If you’re looking for a QA person who is dedicated to your project’s success, then look no further than Zafar Abbas.