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Eeshan Chatterjee


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Eeshan Chatterjee


A Design Thinker, Product Manager and an AI Solutions Architect with ~10 years of building both B2B and B2C data first products and apps, big data solutions and machine learning algorithms. Versatile experience working with big brands, startups and emerging unicorns.

– Product Strategy & Roadmap
– Product Market fit & Competitor Research
– Product Design
– Wire-framing, UX and usability research
– Rapid prototype development
– Product refreshes
– Agile project management – Scrum, Kanban & XP; wearing the Product Owner & Scrum Master hats
– Creating Epics, User Stories, acceptance criteria
– Very familiar with deployment strategies, clouds and technical architectures across AWS, Azure & GCP; across monolithic to microservices architectures; and across RDBMS to noSQL and graph databases (from my data sciences background)
– Modern PM tools: Jira, Trello, Asana, Aha! and more.
– Native comfort with SQL, R and other data and analysis languages. (English too!)

Product Portfolio:
Auto AI, NashWorks (Enterprise AutoAI Platform)
As lead engagement architect, I led the design, development and delivery of a generic, fully automated AI platform for enterprises to plug in their data and deploy algorithms around predictive forecasting for demand & sales for a seed-stage startup. This platform is in the customer beta phase.

VIDULEARN, Cerebronics (Classroom Intelligence Platform)
As Product Owner, I led the platform design team towards building the next big classroom intelligence platform- fusing concepts of lecture capture and blended learning with advanced video processing technologies and state-of-the-art AI for content recognition and summarization to provide a holistic augmented classroom experience for students and teachers.

MYNTELLIGENCE, NashWorks (Marketing Intelligence Platform)
As Lead Product Manager, I led the buildout of a new-age cross channel marketing intelligence platform integrating visual campaign management, automated & custom analytics, AI driven optimization recommendations and multi-channel segmentation capabilities from conception to launch and helped the client hit $500k annualized revenues within the beta phase.

VIDEOTELLIGENT, Cerebronics (Video Resyndication Platform)
As Product Architect, I led the design and development of a nordic video resyndication platform aimed at creating a marketplace for content creators, publishers, consumers and advertisers to come together in a three-way syndication platform with multiple AI assisted virality driven commercial models.

MS ASSIST, Harman (Global Admin Assistance Chatbot Platform)
As the Platform Architect, I led the development of a chatbot platform for Microsoft’s global security & administration division incorporating the ability for multiple teams within the division to visually create and deploy their own chatbots to fulfill employee services responsibilities that they owned. Scaled the platform to 30+ chatbots handling 10000+ sessions/day with accretive time-value cost savings estimated at more than $1 million / month

MS GSOC, Harman (Global Security Management using IoT)
As the Platform Architect, I led the design and development of Microsoft’s global physical security monitoring platform, bringing 3000+ locations with 75000+ cameras, 15000+ stenofones and 150,000+ RFID readers online into the platform with real time asset monitoring and data warehousing for further analytical solutions.

LOCATE, MediaIQ (Location Intelligence & Targeting Platform)
I started (and lead) this Campaign Targeting & Insights Product, tying in the offline (real) world to online and ever-increasing mobile worlds. Managed 5 billion records/day and hit $1 Mil/Month in Revenue within 6 months of launch.

ELEVATE, MediaIQ (Measurement & Insights Framework for Qualitative Ad response and campaign performance)
I conceptualized and built the first version of this segment-first qualitative measurement & insights product. I lead the development & scaling team for it, handling 25+ billion records/day and hitting $1 mil/month in revenue within 8 months of launch.

MACRO, MediaIQ (Multi Source Data Stitching Platform for Intelligent, Performant Ad Campaigns)
I built the data ingestion, storage, analysis and information retrieval architectures, connecting over 50 datasets with petabyte scale RTB data to empower traders and analysts deliver data driven performant ad campaigns. Managed and ran queries on dataset over 30 petabytes scaling over trillions of records and thousands of columns.

MUSTANG, Mu Sigma (Real Time Text Analytics platform)
I built the agent driven real time analytics stack and algorithms for processing and analyzing text data for insights, to be deployed within a JADE platform.


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