Benjamin is a specialist on ONLINE MARKETING in CHINA. My client portfolio includes few foreign companies of different industries (luxury, finance, education and others) : recommendation letters available on request. My strong competences include: *SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING in China (Sina Weibo , WeChat and other social media according to the business and industry of the client) *SEM and SEO on China Search Engines (Baidu, Sogou, So) and Google *E-COMMERCE solutions in China *DIRECT EMAIL Marketing in Chinese *LOCALIZATION of website for the CHINA market (Translating your website into Chinese , consulting in SEO and design, Speed access in China) *AFFILIATE Marketing ICO project translation – website, white paper, One Pager.
Phone Sales
If you have any questions feel free to drop us a call about your project or ideas. We are always happy to help.
Phone Support
If you have a current project and not getting the response you want. Feel free to pick up the phone and call us. We are always available.
E-mail Sales
Need to estimate a project cost, have an idea for a new company? Drop us a line and let us give you an estimate for how long it will take?
E-mail Support
If Trello is not working and you cannot communicate? No problem, drop us an email and we will follow up on the case.